Birders Guide

We have just started to build a list of birds that have been seen here at Villas Pico Bonito.  The View Deck is a very popular spot for Birders to check out the surrounding area.  This list was compiled by Gary Knowleton in a couple of days of watching.  My thanks to him and his brother Del and many more travelers such as Linda and Jerry Kruth that have been here and have got us interested in the amazing participatory sport of Bird Watching.
1.       Osprey                                               2.       Streaked Flycatcher 3.       Clay-colored Robin 4.       Keel-billed Toucan 5.       Melodious Blackbird 6.       Blue-gray Tanager 7.       White-Necked Jacobin 8.       White-bellied Emerald 9.       Great-tailed Grackle 10.   Summer Tanager 11.   Dusky-capped flycatcher 12.   White Winged Dove 13.   Summer Tanager.
Slaty Tailed Trogon
Olive Fronted Parakeet
Masked Tityra
Orchard Oriole
Collared Aracari
Purple Crowned Fairey 
Brown Jay
Olive Backed Euphonia
Snowy Egret
Ringed Kingfisher
Spotted Sandpiper 
Light Blue Heron
Collared Forest Falcon
Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift
Golden Fronted Woodpecker
Long Tailed Hermit
Magnolia Warbler 
Monteczuma Orependula
Lesser Greenlet
Yellow Winged Tanager
Yellow Throated Euphonia
Zone Tailed Hawk
Kentucky Warbler
Wood Thrush
Black and White Warbler
Violet Sabrewing 
Neotropic Cormorant
Green Heron
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Blue Crowned Motmot 
White Collared Swift 
Vaux’s Swift 
White Hawk
Northern Rough Wing Swallow
Altimira Oriole
Hooded Oriole
White Collared Seedeater
Black Phoebe
Black and White Hawk Eagle
Black Crowned Tityra
Rose Throated Becard
Crested Caracara
King Vulture
Great Kiskadee
Social Flycatcher
White Crowned Parrot
Rufous Tailed Humming Bird
Sun Bittern

Resplendent Quetzal